Constraints.insertKey() doesn't affect active IPO

I have a python script that uses Constraint.insertKey() to add keyframes for the influence of a cosntraint in Blender 2.49b. I go into the IPO window and select constraints from the “show IPO types” menu and click the “show” button in the constraints window (under buttons/object). The active IPO is usually blank. There is a list of IPO objects with names like CoIpo.004 and I can find one keyed the way I want the python script to key it. However, I’d like the python script to key the active IPO, or for the python script to make the IPO active for the respective objects so that I don’t have to try to figure out which IPO object cooresponds to each object and then manually make it the object’s active IPO. Is there a way to make Constraint.insertKey() key a specific IPO object, or is there some other way to solve my problem?