Constraints not working

Sorry, this question has probably been asked before, but i could not find it searching.

I am using a “makehuman” model as a starting point for modeling and animating a human model and i want to add in more bones into the face to allow expressions.

I have tried adding constraints, but this does not seem to work. All the existing bones have “To Bone : name of bone” next to the “add constraint” button. What is this and how can i make a new bone i create (under the same armature) have this? I have tried “add constraint > IK solver” and entred “OB: armature” and “BO: head” which it excepts, but when i move the neck/head this seems to have no effect on the new bone? Does anyone know why this is?

Please use simple terms, i am relatively new to blender. THANKS.

Are the new bones parented to the current armature?

well, when making constraints for armatures there are a few things you learn pretty quick

the “To Bone” part is the bone with the constraint, so select that bone first in pose mode [control+tab, the bones turn blue]

when you want to constrain something to the bone, you need to type in the name of the object, and if the object is an armature, then you can type in the name of the bone

also of note, if you are trying to add an IK constraint to a bone, you will probably be adding it to an otherwise useless bone at the wrist, the root of the bone with the ik constraint will be moved around, not the end. [which is why you don’t put an ik constraint on the lower arm bone]

sry it took a while to reply. I dont think what you’ve said solves the problem? :-?

I still dont understand how to add/change the “to bone” propery: is this a constraint? if so, which one?

If I add a constraint in, do I have to do anything to ‘apply’ it, other than fill out the OB and BO field (which i have tried)?

I am adding a bone to an existing armature (armature was selected when bone added). The armature becomes selected. None of the other bones (added by “Make Human”) seem to be parent to anything (in the “tranform properties”).

I think ive fixed the problem. You have to select both ends of the bone i edit mode and change name, child of, etc.

THANKS for the help.