I’m trying to make it so 2 vertices (or an edge) are constricted to an edge loop so that when I move the object it won’t move from the edge loop and will run along it. I’m not sure if this is done with constrictions or is even possible at all. I am fairly new to constrictions, in fact I’m pretty new to all of blender except the basic modeling tools.
In other news, this is my first post on BlenderArtists and I’m happy to be aboard! :]
I was hoping not to use add-on’s. Thanks though, I’ll give it a try. :]
Edit: VertexSlide is not exactly what I’m looking for, I’d like to be able to move the object that is constricted to the edge loop and it would automatically slide along the edge loop, and move depending on the other object it’s attached to. Does that make sense? :s I’m trying to explain.
My bad, I thought you meant an edge on its own edge loop. So you mean an edge on the edge loop of a different object?
In that case the snap tool can be used.
In this image you can see where all the snap functions are. The Magnet is to turn it on or off (or press Ctrl while transforming), next to the magnet select ‘Edge’ (for what you want), and where it says ‘Closest’ you can choose the snapping target. maybe you need ‘Center’.
I was hoping not to use add-on’s. Thanks though, I’ll give it a try. :]
They are there to make our lives easier, so don’t be afraid to use them. There are so many good add-ons that it makes sense they become a big part of our work flow.
That’s not what I’m looking for either… :[ I use the snap tool regularly, I’m familiar… let me try to explain a little better. I have 3 objects, I have one in the middle of these two objects that I want to be attached at a couple vertices (or an edge). When I move one of the objects I want the middle object to be constricted on it’s movement and and rotation, and I would like it to slide across an edge loop on one of the objects, and just be attached on the other. I don’t want my middle object to deform in any way, I want it to keep its shape but just rotate in the Z axis and slide on the one side, and pivot on the other.
That explanation was a little all over the place, haha, I hope it is more clear on what I’d like to achieve now. As for add-on’s, your probably right, that one add-on you showed me looked very useful and I may use it regularly now. :]
Edit: Is there a way to make a copy location constraint for certain vertices? If so… I think it may work that way, at least for one part.
Edit2: If so, without it deforming. (taking whole object with it)
Hooks? Select vertices and Ctrl+H, and choose ‘Hook to new object’, which will create a new Empty. Then put a copy location constraint on that new Empty.
I think nothing is impossible in Blender, it’s a matter of combining the right tools. Sorry for not understanding what you exactly need.
That’s getting somewhere! But it deforms my object :\ Any way to prevent the deformation of my object?
And don’t worry about not understanding my wording was pretty bad. :Þ
Edit: Think there is some way to pivot on that hook? … or something, just throwing out my 2 cent’s here.
Edit2: I’ve been saying Constrictions… I was sorta meaning Constraints… and stuff