Hey all. I am trying to make a cylinder from two given points. I got it working nicely, by constructing a mesh with NMesh.GetRaw and adding a few verticies in key places. Then I did obj.Blender.Get( “Mesh”) with obj.RotY etc to orient it correctly. Unfortunately the reason I wanted to write this script was to have an array of these cylinders (coords are read from a text file) and I soon found out that when I did more than one Cylinder it would grab the wrong one because of the “Mesh” name above. So… I was thinking of just putting the verticies in their final positions, but quickly found that my powers of linear algebra were not up to the task.
I looked a meta balls, because a tubeX oriented correctly would work also, but I can’t figure out how to actually construct a meta ball purely from python.
So I guess my request is: could some one help me out with the needed linear algebra or tell me how to add an elem to the meta ball list?
Here is the code I have so far:
I pointed out the rogue code.
import Blender
from Blender import *
import math
from math import *
import vecModule
from vecModule import *
class Cylinder:
def __init__(self,p1=[0.0,0.0,0.0], p2=[0.0,0.0,1.0], name="bob2" ):
me = NMesh.GetRaw()
vec = makeVec( p1, p2 )
n = 32
rad = 0.3
height = vecLen(vec)
v1 = NMesh.Vert(0,0,height)
v2 = NMesh.Vert(0,0,0)
for i in range(0,n):
x = rad*cos(i*2*pi/(n-1))
y = rad*sin(i*2*pi/(n-1))
v1 = NMesh.Vert(x,y,height)
v2 = NMesh.Vert(x,y,0)
#end loop
#start with caps
for i in range(2, 2*n): #0 and 1 are the centers
f = NMesh.Face()
f.v.append( me.verts[i%2] ) #0 or 1 is center of cap
f.v.append( me.verts[i] )
f.v.append( me.verts[i+2] )
#end loop
#patch up the last few
f = NMesh.Face()
f.v.append( me.verts[-2] )
f.v.append( me.verts[0] )
f.v.append( me.verts[2] )
f = NMesh.Face()
f.v.append( me.verts[-1] )
f.v.append( me.verts[3] )
f.v.append( me.verts[1] )
#now side(s)
for i in range(2, 2*(n-1), 2):
f = NMesh.Face()
f.v.append( me.verts[i])
f.v.append( me.verts[i+1])
f.v.append( me.verts[i+3]) #not sure if order matters...
f.v.append( me.verts[i+2]) #...but just in case
f.smooth = 1
#end loop
#This is where the material stuff goes
NMesh.PutRaw(me, name, 1)
obj = Blender.Object.Get("Mesh") <i><b>#Here is the problem!!</b></i>
Sphvec = makeSph(vec) #(r,phi,theta)
obj.RotY = pi/2.0 - Sphvec[1]
obj.RotZ = Sphvec[2]
obj.LocX = p1[0]
obj.LocY = p1[1]
obj.LocZ = p1[2]
#end constructor