Construction history in Blender


  While create anything ... ANYTHING..... in Blender, once you toggle to select all (shortcut 'a') or even make a move by 'G' key or simple 'ctrl+z' ... the creation history is all gone. I just have to rebuild everything from the scratch. Is there any way to fix it? or I have to bear this burden ? Is there any way to tweak it in API?

I was using an 2.77a for creating a tree by using space tree addon. I tweak all the parameters to get the desired result . accidentally deselect by pressing a … BAM… all gone … next time ctrl +z …BAM all gone … next time just made a tiny move with g …BAM … gone …

Any help will be great.


Once you create an object and have completed setting its starting parameters you cannot go back to that options screen

This is quite frustrating that I cannot get back. I haven’t completed yet. What happen if it take some time to get the desired result. It cannot always be one shot. I cannot save the file and get back the settings … isn’t it weird ? or non-intuitive ?

is there any way we can enable it … like by tweaking the API or by an ADDON ??

You would have to enable the addon to save/load your object. Don’t know what tree addon you are using but the sapling addon allows you to save the tree as a preset that you can reload for further editing

That means I always have to be “ULTRA” cautious that I accidentally click on something and the creation menu is gone. I was trying to create a tumbleweed with spacetree addon which supports till 2.77a. Sapling I tried before , but not getting the desired result.

But in case of a simple sphere also . If I want to increase the number of rings … move it a little … and I lost the initial setting where I can set the segments and rings. Don’t anyone feel odd about it?

Yes I am shifting from Maya and Max and I do aware that Blender has some specific approach, but I felt this action is very odd.


It has never worked in Maya properly either. It crashes 5 times a minute and all kinds of weird stuff happens when you try to use the construction history in any meaningful way. There are plans for ‘everything nodes’ in Blender’s future. That sounds exciting. But at the moment it is like you say - you just have to be ultra cautious during the 2 seconds it takes to choose the ring amount on spheres and stuff like that. It might even be necessary to redo stuff from time to time. Yeah, that’s kind of annoying, but to be honest personally I find this preferable to random crashing and it’s not that big of a deal as it might seem at first coming from Maya. You get used to it at least… You might find Animation Nodes or Sverchok add-ons interesting if you need procedural modelling.

Yeah, but I heard that there are plans of add support of parametric objects in blender.

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Yes it can happen … but only if you want to manipulate it after certain editing and that too happend because of the dependency node.

But when you are using it for the first time like a primitive objects such as sphere even you come back later you can access the “shape node” to manipulate the attribute from the attribute editor, which in case of Blender … not there.

That will be a great thing.

Well, that’s kind of what I mean - if you create a sphere you usually use it straight away to do some modelling, if not, then what’s the point of making it?.. and if it’s only a sphere that you need it’s not a big deal to just create a new one in it’s place. So, yes, that’s annoying, it would be nice to have this as it is in Maya, however in reality is it a huge deal? Now I think it isn’t at all, but I remember that time when this was all new to me when I was used to Maya and it seemed like it’s more of a problem then it turned out to be later.

Well yah of course for sphere its not a problem. thats a silly example. I was using this “space tree” addon which stopped developing after 2.77 which is sad. I felt Sapling addon was a little complected to achieve the “tumbleweed” which “Space tree” provide with very ease.

So I edit the values to get the result for let say for 10 to 15 minutes. then I accidentally click select all. BAAM … all gone . That’s frustrating. … LOLZ … but I so like Blender now I think I have to deal with the pain.

It’s a big deal actually…
Parametric modeling and animation is very popular in Cinema 4D… The non-destructive workflow is very powerful… :wink:

I believe there is a solution for trees and stuff like that. Modular Tree add-on is node based if I am not mistaken. It’s a good idea to save often when working with high amounts of procedural geometry because even though it will not disappear if you click somewhere else it might still just disappear :smiley: .

Well, yeah, I cannot disagree to that. I am very excited about and cannot wait for everything nodes and more procedural modeling stuff in Blender. I was talking more about Maya. I hear it works well in Houdini for example. But Maya… I have some traumatic memories… I don’t even want to talk about it :smiley:

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I agree, some kind of history stack in Blender would be great. I really miss that coming from Softimage. But as mentioned before, the way it works in Maya is quite useless.

“everything nodes” sounds great, something like ICE in Softimage ;-0