
The scene is rendered with Indigo, lit using an env map with a couple of emitters. Unfortunately my old dual core couldn’t handle rendering the sculpt at the highest level of multires, so it has lost just a little bit of detail. I’ve tried to compensate for that with bump mapping and I think it has worked out ok.

I’ll cook another render form a different view and post it tomorrow, here’s a link to a higher res on the indigo site.

Here’s a profile view of this, click on the images for larger size display, btw these were rendered with Indigo 1.1.18 which is free without dimension restrictions etc. I was trying to get the look of a photos I’d seen of Rodin sculptures in a book where the work was photographed in a black studio setup.

I love the material and lighting set-up for the bust.

Shame you couldn’t render out the higest sculpt level but I think not having that extra detail almost makes it look like a more hand-sculpted object, don’t you think?

Nice work!

Very nice material. Looks pretty photorealistic to me :wink:

Man, that is good. I really like the texture. Great job!