Content collaboration site called ProofMe (Blender sighted in their site demo video)

I just stumbled upon a content collaboration site designed specifically for creative projects. It was a nice surprise to see Sintel and the Gooseberry project being used in their demo video.

It’s free to sign up and what they offer with the free account is pretty good for most average projects that most of us might be working on. But they also have a few tiers that suit any size project. I don’t think the Blender Foundation actually used the site for any past projects since the site seems to be new (to me at least). ProofMe probably used the Blender Open Projects in their examples due to the open licensing. It was still nice to see, though.

More details (for the free account) for those interested:

  • 5 GB of of active Proof Storage

  • Unlimited proofs

  • Unlimited collaborators

  • Integrations

  • Anonymous proofs archived after 30 days of inactivity

          <i>Coming Soon:</i>
  • PDF export w/ comments

I’m not working on anything right now, but I do see it as something that could be of benefit for CG projects so I thought I would drop a line.

Check it out at: