Contest Ideas

Well, I think I’ve got too much free time, as documented by these litttle ideas for contests:

  1. Images: Everyone must recreate an image from a film. This can be anything from “Spider-Man” to “Sunset Blvd.”

2a. Animations: Everyone must make a short film based on a specific genre. For example, if the genre was “sci-fi,” they’d make a film about aliens, space, time travel, or whatever.

2b. Animations: Everyone must make a music video. The music for the music video can be anything from Michelle Branch to Drowning Pool.

  1. Games: Everyone must make a low-poly-but-still-armature-accessible game model that can be used for an action game. The action game can be the subject of a later contest :smiley: :slight_smile: 8) :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: .

If any of the moderators want to use any of these for a contest, I wouldn’t mind if you did.

Does anyone else have any weird ideas for contests? They can be on anything from games to images to modelling.

A space animation contest would be cool!

1-time: at least 1:30 min
2-ships: at least 2 “large” ships and 4 different fighters/bombers
3-You can be more than one person on a single movie
4-you can use old model
5-you must make all the things in blender!
6-…review the 5 first rules! :smiley:

I didn’t include any rules for two reasons:

  1. To make it much more free, and
  2. Last time I tried that (a seperate post held the “movie images” idea), I was flamed (or at least annoyed) by the people who thought that it was a violation of freedom of speech.

BTW: The reason for the “freedom of speech” violation being that I restricted nudity or any form of sexual situations (meaning they couldn’t do porn). Some people find that offensive.

a game model sounds good to me.

/me returns to study for mid term.

– iluvblender

I was looking at and saw that they had “photo-shop tennis”:

I thought that this would be a really good idea for blender.

There are 2 chalangers, one person serves by puting an object into a layer.
The file is then returned to, with an other object in the second layer, The objects in the first layer can be moved or changed, but must remain visable (at least a bit).

This can go on for a max of 10 rounds (one time each per round).
Time limits and other rules are made per game by the contestants.

what you think??



Like, someone adds one object, the next adds another, the first adds another, the next adds another, and so forth.

yeah some thing like that, but its up to the contestants to choose how many, what type etc.

if you look a the ‘Guide to Photoshop Tennis Matches’ thread in the link above you should, should get am Idea of what I am saying … but there would need to be some small changes to the rules (duh).



“Blender Basketball…”

After reading how to play “Photoshop Tennis,” I thought of the words “Blender Basketball.” I’ve come up with a few things:

You start with a pre-made object. In some sort of chat room that we’d probably have to program, two people are given the object. Then, they try improving on the object in another layer by taking the blend and, doing it quickly, making a new model/version of the object. When one hears a “ping,” that means that their .blend is automatically nullified and they have to start on the other player’s .blend. For 3 hours (or 24), they keep doing this, until a buzzer sounds. The chat room stops in place, and the one who either has posted more often or has made the last one is the winner!

what if i were to add a single vertex to it and post it? hmmm.

there are are few thing that are holding your idea down :frowning:

  1. Time zones - you will not be able to play this with people from opposite time zones.
  2. Stress - stressed bendering is not what this is about
  3. Timed races really don’t produce the best work … the comp is about sending the best returns, not the most!!!

I was thinking more of:
P1 serve - has single object or full render
P2 return - D/l the blend, add or edit the objects to create a different render, but still contains something of the last serve
P1 return

I will post example blends later to better show what I mean.


  1. Time zones - you will not be able to play this with people from opposite time zones.

Huh? What do you mean?

  1. Stress - stressed bendering is not what this is about

Okay, I get that idea. I didn’t know of any other way to steal a ball, Blender-wise. Suggestions? Hmm… maybe they have to turn in their work so far at the end of the hour…

  1. Timed races really don’t produce the best work … the comp is about sending the best returns, not the most!!!

Okay, so they have to post pictures with the .blend. People post what they think of the picture. The sum/average must be higher at the end for someone to win.

I was thinking more of:
P1 serve - has single object or full render
P2 return - D/l the blend, add or edit the objects to create a different render, but still contains something of the last serve
P1 return

This is referring to Blender Tennis, right?

what if i were to add a single vertex to it and post it? hmmm.

Hopefully we’d have rules to prohibit this. Or, if the original model was a desert, and that single vertex is a sun… hmmm…