@ROUBAL: Thank you for the hint. Sorry for that! But you did it the right way: click on the Button “GMX Media Center starten”, then check the checkbox for the files you want to download and then download them by choosing “Download” from the “Datei” menu.
I checked it today on a WinXP box an MediaPlayer, but I didn’t have any problems :o
But I will look for another place to store the files. Do you know one, which is for free? (I don’t have a personal webspace )
Can you post a picture or an animation, or the link if I have missed it?
For my own, I have not much time these day to work on my explosion, and I’m still not happy of it.
I have tried to get realistic volumetric effects, but what I get is too solid, or too transparent…
I have tried to make concentric shapes for the Fire or smoke balls, with a very low alpha, it looks more like smoke, but the volumes are less visible and it is far from the effects given by Dynamite, the Lightwave plugin…
Many movies use real explosions. Captain Sky and the world of tomorrow has been done entirely in CG, except the actors, and the explosions!
Most of Star Wars explosions were real, and the explosions in Galaxy Quest were real too, I believe (I have watched it recently after having seen the example in one of the first posts of this topic).
In Star Wars III there is no explosion seen longer than 1 second, and they are always blurred a lot by a quick moving of the camera! most of the explosions are seen on only few frames.
Explosions are really some of the most difficult things to do in CG, I believe!
thanks for the blend =D
I think the brown dirt on the bottom looks amazing, but i think the upper part still needs work(as far as the second image anyways…). I’m still a newbie so i can’t give you details… srry :\ Still looks very good though.
After looking at pics of atomic bombs, if the fire is going to be as close to the ground as it is in your pictures, it may as well be a little wider and the fire should give off less of a ‘soft cloud dust particle’ look and more of a hard ‘balls merging out’ kind of look. Heres a couple examples. http://www.cccoe.k12.ca.us/abomb/images/cover_smokey2.jpg (This is a real pic, not rendered)
http://rhysy.plexersoft.com/Explosion%20test%202e.jpg (this is rendered obviously, but isnt mine)
If you compare your second picture to these, the fire on yours looks a little soft compared to the pics right above.
One week left guys. Don’t worry, I’m not forgetting about you.
When the contest ends, I’ll start an entry thread containing everyones final entry. Make sure you note in this thread that your entry is done, otherwise, it will not be included.
Hi everyone
I’m new to this forum, new to blender and new to the world of 3d. I’ve been following this contest since the beginning and finally, I thought of making my own explosion. Frankly, I’ve been playing with particles for ages and the result was always disappointing. So I tried making a mesh and playing with the materials to give it the shape and the look of an explosion. I can say that the result , for me at least, was quite satisfying. So here’s my entry
Maybe you could move the texture a bit faster and apply more displacement.
Recently I have done a trial with a ring of smoke. I divided the ring in two vertices groups: one inside with the Z offset of the material set positive, and the outside group with negative Z offset. This shows better the convection effect on a rising hot smoke volume.
The example file is not on his computer, so I can’t post it, but I hope that this is understandable…
I didn’t create the method myself, I found it somewhere else on Elysiun. I just liked it, so I made my own version. I copied it pretty well, and I improved it (I think), but I did not append or directly duplicte the other one in any way.
By the way, I think I’m going for the prize after all. Even if it doesn’t have a color screen, I’ve always wanted a PDA.
Well mine did not got to well. I got some nice effect quite quikly, but just could not improve on them. Getting a spaceship to blow up just did not work at all. So here is my early render…
Sorry about the size of the files did not have time to make them smaller. Also i did forget about the still image. I’m shifting to Vienna this weekend so I just can’t get them up now.
I really wanted a good effect with quite simple settings, but no cigar. I’m rather interested in devloping explosions for the game i’m working on. So far its gunna be prerendered povray (Volumetric rendering) sprite based.
Anyway, crits etc are welcome, but i will not be able to respond till monday or so.
Quick question, is it necessary to have a .blend of an animated explosion ? I know in principle I could animate mine, but it would take some work to get it looking right and I don’t really have time.