Context poll fails in Graph Editor when no curves are visible

Hi guys,
Kind of piggybacking off this topic here:

I’m using @batFinger’s method for finding the fCurves visible in the Graph Editor. His technique uses bpy.ops.graph.select_all(action='INVERT') to collect visible fCurves in to an array. It works great.

However, if you use a filter or alter visibility of the fCurves so that no fCurves are visible in the graph editor, select_all’s poll will fail and you get an incorrect context error.


You get this:

Then I noticed that when no fCurves are visible all the selection methods in the Graph’s menu become disabled/grayed out.


Calling any of these operators through script with no fCurves visible will throw a context error, but calling them through their default hotkey does not throw an error.

So what I’m trying to figure out is an if statement or something to test for whatever condition disables the entries in the Select menu so my script can handle/avoid this error the same way calling the operator straight from the keymap avoids it.

Does anyone have any ideas?


Every operator has a .poll() function to return whether or not it can run in the first place.

If the poll returns False, the operator’s button will be unclickable. If it’s false and is executed anyway (via python), it will return an error.

Well, I don’t know if it is 100% true that every operator has a poll() function but I’ve never seen one in Blender’s console without it (I think i’ve seen an addon’s operator class without poll function but i didn’t bother digging into this matter).

what you do is:

if bpy.ops.graph.select_all.poll():
    ... # whatever you want to do if it can't run

You could also use try/except, which is the absolute thing to do to always avoid an error :stuck_out_tongue:

Now, I don't know what you're trying to do but I use a custom search to find which curves are visible

def get_curves(event=None):
    context = bpy.context
    area = None
    ## Get the animation editor window's data settings
    if event:
        # event is checking for the event from an invoke operator,  to find the mouse's location, to get the active area
        for a in context.screen.areas:
            if (event.mouse_x in range(a.x, a.x + a.width) and event.mouse_y in range(a.y, a.y+a.height)):
                area = a
    try:  # if area:
        dopesheet			=	area.spaces[0].dopesheet
        only_selected		=	dopesheet.show_only_selected
        show_hidden			=	dopesheet.show_hidden
        show_missing_nla	=	dopesheet.show_missing_nla
    except:  # elif "I don't know how this function was run, so just guess the options":
        only_selected		=	False
        show_hidden			=	False
        show_missing_nla	=	False
    for obj in context.scene.objects:
        anim = obj.animation_data
        if anim is None:
        if only_selected:
            if not
        if not show_hidden:
            if obj.hide:
            elif hasattr(context.scene, 'layers'):
                # Did not make a version for 2.8 Collections
                on_layer = False
                for i in range(20):
                    if context.scene.layers[i] and obj.layers[i]:
                        on_layer = True
                if not on_layer:
        ...  # Whatever object reaches this point, their curves are visible in the window. 
        ...  # Now you can use curve-by-curve based checks, such as mute/hidden/etc

The answer of Edtion seems perfect for you.
I just wanted to mention that I asked on right-click-select for an API exposure of visible fcurve.
Aligorith is going to implement it at some point. Maybe it’s already there so I just asked him for a heads up in the post’s comment.

I hope we can do this fast and clean for graph related addons ^^ !

Ah! Yes, this is perfect! Thanks, I never thought to use poll like that before. Also, thanks for the code. I’ll study it.

@pullup Awesome! Hopefully it’s coming soon. Direct access to visible curves would make life so much easier.