Control My Particle Curve when Near a sphere without the sphere affecting particles

Ok I am Making A Animated Sun . To simulate solar prominence’s I created several particle systems that follow U shaped particle curves . These Systems work fine by themselves. But something weird happens when I place them near the surface of my Uv sphere that represents the sun. All of the sudden my particles decide they want to start following the Suns Uv shperes shape instead of the particle curve I created. Then no matter where I move the particle system after that it seems to be locked to the UV sphere and continues to follow that shapes curve instead of the particle curve that is U shaped. Even if I completely separate everything placing the Uv shpere the plane that represents the particle system and the Path that has the follow curve modifier way far away from each other. the particle system now follows the Uv shperes shape. This is very frustrating as i want the U shaped particle curve to rest right above the star surface shooting the arc up off the surface then around the u and back down to the surface. Can someone tell me how i can restrict what objects the particle system and the particle curve can be affected by please . Or explain what I need to do to put A upside down U shaped particle curvy near A sphere without the sphere affecting the particle curves shape.

Lots of text but where is the blend file so we can actually see for ourselves what all that means ?