controling animated curves

i want to use cuves to make tubes for pistons i’ve made

problem is how do i get each end to stay in position??

like armatures with ikSolver

do i have to key frames? as in tab>i>curve… forward a few frames, move points…i>curve repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,
:x :frowning: :expressionless: %| %|

you get the idea…frustration…

any other way?

Are these pistons in a syringe, a watergun, a steam locomotive, a gas engine ? Don’t you mean cylinders ? Or do you mean the head of the piston ?

problem is how do i get each end to stay in position??

I can’t even see why they would be moving in the first place !

like armatures with ikSolver

do i have to key frames? as in tab>i>curve… forward a few frames, move points…i>curve repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat,
:x :frowning: :expressionless: %| %|

you get the idea…frustration…

And you for mine ? :wink:

Repeat with a bit more clarity, descriptions, explanations.


IamInnocent is right that it is not quite clear what you want to do.

As for the repeat, repeat … part I’d suggest to insert key frames for one “moving cycle” (two or three keys could be enough), set up the Speed Ipo in an appropriate way ( /-shaped )and set the extend mode to cyclic.

Sorry, k. here we go… hydrolic pistons…

… xxxxx
… oxxxx
…{ }
…[ ]
… [[[]]]

ignore all the … to the left

that prob makes no sense but hopefully i can explain clearly

the BBB part is a cube

the ---- part is the small tube of the hydrolic piston

the ‘’’’’’ part is the large tube of the piston

(this is simplified design!)

ok when the leg moves{the xxx part} the piston works…thats all fine.

but i want a tube to run from the “o” on the body to the “o” on the leg
(more pistons down there on full design)

i need the curve to stay connected to each of the “o”'s as the leg moves

i’d use armatures but they tend to bend the pipe…

clear?(as mud,eh? %| :expressionless: )

I think that i get it.

Indeed you shouldn’t need much more than 2, 4 keys to the most if, like I guess, the movement of the piston is in a straight line. The little bumps remaining are a matter of adjusting the Speed IPO…

If you still have a trouble send me the .blend by mail so I can look like a fool.



Simpler even :

erase the Speed IPO ;
vertex-parent your piston to the control vertice of the curve that connects to it.
use your vertex keys to animate the piston.

Of course, all depends on the context.

thanx all,

give it another try… if i cant do it i’ll ajust my design (i know,…the easy way out)

If you want an example .blend I have one.
