Controlling 3d view with python (accelerometers of N900)

I want to make a set of scripts that will control active 3d view with N900’s (Nokia’s) accelerometers.
The discussion was also started here:

There seems to be no problem getting accelerometers data on N900 (for examle using sources of AccDisplay app) and I can imagine some ways of streaming it to desktop.
But I can’t find a way to control 3d view in Blender with python. Does it exist?
There are only tools for moving and rotating objects but I want to begin with view as it’s most uncomfortable with mouse/numpad for me.

Would it work for you to create a camera, use that camera as your viewport and move and rotate the camera with your data?

After view. Yes, I’d like to control 3d cursor, camera, meshes and other things.
But view have to be the first one, I think.

You can change the viewport. It’s located in RegionView3D

You’re looking for view_distance, view_location, view_perspective and view_rotate_method. For a short period of time this could be done much simpler, because view_matrix was both readable and settable, but this was changed to read-only. I don’t know the reasons for that, but you might want to ask about it on the mailinglist.

A simple example:

import bpy

for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
    if area.type == "VIEW_3D":
        region = area.active_space.region_3d
        region.view_location = [10, 0, 0]

Yes, exactly. Thanks, Crouch =)
I will try to make script usable not only by N900 and hope that it will help you someday.

nice thread, thanks.

So I was somewhat right when I was thinking “I’d better wait until 2.5 stabilization as they are changing the API”. Now I’m back to this concept and trying to work with VIEW_3D again. Just found out that area.active_space is no longer valid, now it’s

I was looking into this a while back, but instead of a N900 I was planning on using a ZTE Blade with Android 2.2 and an application which recorded the X, Y, Z values from the accelerometers to a .CVS file.

I didn’t really get anywhere with it as things got in the way.