Hello, been trying some things out in BGE and was wondering if I could get some advice or help in creating a python setup to control an action using a control pad analogue input directly. this is for a lockpicking system I am working on.
I understand Its very possible using the property type action, and this is fine, however being new to bge , im having difficulty changing the property to the same value as the analogue stick.
so to clarify, I’m looking to have the action on the object mimic the value of the control sticks input.
so , when the control stick is untouched, the action is on frame 1 or zero , when the stick is moved all the way over, the action is on the end frame (say, frame 100 although the actual frame shouldnt matter too much.)
a small piece of python as an example would be most appreciated, as I could probably change and modify it to suit my needs
even more useful would be the ability to have 2 objects do the same thing using the same property (if its even possible.)
Its probably very easy and its something I should be able to learn on my own , but I have zero knowledge with python and the bge api , and wouldnt know where to start :spin: