Controlling Visibility

I’m making an atom. I want the moving parts to wipe on the orbits.

I can use a blend texture to control visibility of the orbit, but I can’t see how I could animate it in a radial fashion.

Here’s an example blend, MaskingForumQuestion.blend (450 KB) , what would be the best approach so as the sphere moves along the circle to wipe it on?

Thanks blend peeps!

Not sure what effect you’re after - I downloaded your demo scene, which was very basic with a sphere rotating around, but no textures or materials at all.

What I gather is that you want to show material of Ring on one side of the sphere, and transparent on the other side? If that’s the case, UV map a black/white image to the ring, line up the black/white transition point to the sphere (or likely on the seam), then parent the ring to the sphere so it follows.