

Recently I’ve been kind of going out with this girl. I don’t really know if it is “going out” but yesterday she called me and asked me if i wanted to go to a movie, today she called me and asked if I wanted to ride my bike out to the movie theater (we didn’t have a ride, and it was raining HARD). I went both times, but the problem is that our conversations kept dieing out. I have no idea what to talk about when I’m riding my bike out or just hanging out with her. What are good things to ask to try and get a conversation going?


Talk about nothing and everything.girls always do that… :stuck_out_tongue:

Talk about what you did today…ask her what she did…talk about your hairy legs :stuck_out_tongue: she will think it’s funny lol

Can’t really ask what she did today if i spent the whole day with her %|


Well, if you spend the whole day with her ask her whether she enjoyed it, what was her favorite thing you did, etc

yeah, the most important thing is just to talk, they like that :stuck_out_tongue:

btw who am i to talk i don;t even have a gf lol :wink:


My rule of thumb here is silence is bad. Just keep talking, however stupid it is. Silence doesn’t get anywhere. Talk about anything, just keep the conversation going.

I’m out.

Nick V

As a girl myself, I like it when guys talk about things they are interested in, but keep in mind most girls want to know that you actually think about more than cars and sports. Talk about your plans for the future.

bah! i always get complanits about not talking :slight_smile:

“Your a nice guy you just need to be more aggrassive and ask a girl out or just talk to them”

one thing I’ve found that always gets a girl is art :slight_smile: I mean I do a lot of famale drawings and they kill me with question they start ramboliing on about breast emplants and asses… Pooba you like todo stuff with the game engine…I dont think it would hurt to maybe talk about a plot about your game or maybe something alone those lines.

then move on about maybe doing a career about gaming or graphic artist and I am sure that will last the rest of the way

Heh, I sympathise Pooba, uncomfortable silences are the bane of my life. (Heh and I’m 28 years old :expressionless: .)

I get really paranoid that the person I’m with, may think I have nothing to say, but the other person is quite often probably thinking the exact same thing about themselves. (You can often deduce this because neither of you are saying anything.)

Solution, each time you have an uncomfortable silence, talk about it. You’ll soon start talking again.

Most of all be your self and don’t try too hard, talking is easy when you don’t worry about having something to say or not.


How about if you would discuss this with her, instead of discussing it with us???

It would both, solve your problem and give you a good subject to talk :wink:

One more thing…

Ofcourse it’s your life, but I don’t find it a good idea to spend the whole day with a girl, at least not in a regular basis… If you constantly spend so much time together too often, you will get bored, or worse you’ll find out that your relationship will start causing problems to the rest of your private life… And this is bad…

I live with a woman (my wife…) and I find it very difficult to have even a single moment of privacy… I can’t even find time to concentrate to my own thoughts… Well, I’m married and I can’t avoid this ofcourse… I am DOOMED… :stuck_out_tongue:

But you are not… Enjoy the few years of freedom you may still have… :smiley:


marriage really that bad?



marriage really that bad?

No, thats why he’s still married…??

No!!! Ofcourse not… It’s not that bad…

It’s Worse!!! :o

Nahhh!!! I was just joking… :stuck_out_tongue:

There are good things in marriage as well…

Let me give you an example…

Well… uhhhmmm… errrr…

O.k. I can’t think of any, right now… Can we skip this subject please???

(:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :P)

tell her excatly that or ask her what can u say to girl when u’ve got nothin to say. ask her how to make a girl fall in love for a guy. nearly all typ of sentimental talking works with girls (and that’s personal experience). if u r too rational or realy feel something for her try to get some courage and tell how u feel, say it with your heart they seem to melt for men in contact with theri emotions, to say it in a way. don’t worry for nervousness or even shineness, some girls seem to like it when they overcome their fear and do that

Actually that sentimental works very well, that’s why I fell for my husband. You wouldn’t believe what it took for him to get his feelings out.

Well, don’t really want to argue with you (hey… you are the expert here… :D), but I kinda thought that this doesn’t always work… I think there are 2 kinds of women… The ones that prefer sentimental things and the more “practical” ones… I mean the ones that want more “straight” answers from a guy… To know that they have someone that can handle every situation, on their side… Not a “dreamer”…

Maybe a reasonable combination of those two elements could be the answer, in all cases… :wink:

Which is why I can’t understand why my wife fell for me…

I’m neither sentimental, nor practical… I’m unreliable, unstable, unpredictable… Maybe that’s what she finds in me… No!!! Wait!!! That’s the reasons why she wants to kill me… I don’t know it must be something else… (Nahhh!!! Just j/k as usual…)

u 'r Timonides with the both type of girls, the practical seem to be more malish, cuz of all the men i know nearly all of us have hard times getting women undirect language, most of us prefer directness and practicism.
and wether u believe it or not those imperfections u say bout urself might actually what she inds atractive. u know women are impossivle to be fully understood, they’re made to be loved, not only sexually of course

of course we are made to be loved. LOL. And understanding us is totally impossible.

u know women are impossivle to be fully understood

Isn’t everyone?

they’re made to be loved

Isn’t everyone?


ha ha ha dreamsgate i understand women VERY WELL !!!

infact i know more about women than most of my female friends HA HA HA
(oh and i am not joking on this one)

within 3 weeks of talking to nearly any girl i will ahve them talking about everything from
how many kids they want
what age they want to be married
perfect guy
past sexual experiences
secrets they havn’t even told their best friends (perhaps rape, abuse, or honest feelings about things)

i will know all their past relationships, who, how long, what they did, etc…

i will know everything you need to know, favorite colour, food, sauce, topping, flower, car, style house etc…

i will know their sexual and emotional fantasys, i will know exactly what they want.

after talking to girls on such a personal level its easy to make more of it, either sexually, emotionally, or both. the hard thing is to not take advantage of people in the situation.

i have turned down about 4 chicks, and only every kissed one girl in my life, (through choice, not through lack of oppertunity)

you need confidence, morality (to not take advantage of someone that you don’t see a long term realtionship with is my major moral, even if i really want to) chivalry, understanding, empathy, humour, and HONESTY (the biggest of them all)

i garentee that you will find as many girls as you want this way, but the thing is to be able to become friends with them rather than hurt them, or be hurt by them (lol)

its a good start to understand the female cycle, menopause etc… show respect for women as women and understand things they may talk to you about. a shoulder to cry on it a great asset. an ear to talk to is great, and someone that can turn a bad situation into a happy one.

for example a girl i was talking to on the phone the other day was almost crying about various things that were going on, i talked to her for about 3 hours (well till she needed to go to bed LOL) but by the end of it she didn’t want to leave.


LOL ok heres some advice

talk about meatballs, jelly, ugly trees, lightnig bolts, funny tv programs, things you have done that are silly, then ask her about things she has done, show an interest in what she is talking about (but an honest interst, e.g. if she likes sewing then say how you love wedding dresses (personal fantasy sorry LOL) ) convisations develop over time and as you understand more about a person you can become more and more engaged with them. Untill you know everything then you need to talk about your day.

talk about lovey dovey stuff, what their favorite evening would be like etc…

its really not that hard, but some people no matter how good you are at convistions can be talked too. i know so many people that will kill any convisation i have with them to a point where i will just give up.

you need to lay down the steps to begin a convistation and make it easy for them to join in, meaning OPEN questions, leading on a new topic in a answer you give to a question (yes/no are bad answers)

you need to NOT WORRY about what you say, its a very important thing to do. as when you start worrying you are not yourself when talking and it becomes awkward. so if you end up talking about rotten shoes then so be it.

Alltaken (i hope that helped some what)