Does any one know if it is possible to convert a DWG/MAX file into a file that Blender can open?
Thank you!!
Does any one know if it is possible to convert a DWG/MAX file into a file that Blender can open?
Thank you!!
Blender won’t be able open .max files. Either get someone who has 3dsmax to export a readable format for you or download the trial and do it yourself.
thank you for your answer!
Can you tell what is a readable file for Blender??
Blender reads .Blend files only…
There is several scripts for converting that need to either be downloaded or activated to make use of them.
I am not sure of the specifics, but I am pretty sure that there is a script floating around
PS: This should not be in New and Discussion, it would be best moved to Support (How did you not notice richard?)
ok thanks - so it is not that easy, that I can say to my class mate “Please export this file for me in … formate, so I can open it in Blender”??
Sorry for posting it the wrong place!!
I think the best is 3ds or obj for meshes, the problems start if you want to import animation data.
The collada importer is part of the 2011 GsoC Projekt.
Cheers mib
Blender can only open .blend files. But it can convert some to .blend format.
If yuo go to user preferences, then up the top go to Add-ons. Find “Import-Export” on the left, and click it. Then find the add-on for the format you would like, and add it. From here you can use watever Add-ons you want, and keap everything clean.
I believe that second in the list is 3DS format. Which is the most likely to be used (naturally).
Have fun with Blender
hi Astridsvane,
export into DXF (for best results use version r12)
DXF-importer script bundled with Blender (2.49) can read 2d and 3d data. Though Textures/Materials/Animations are not supported in DXF format.