Please don’t tell me that it is not possible to do this successfully. I have tried it on a few models and by the time I have it in blender in .dxf format it looks nothing like what it’s supposed to. Connectors and angles that aren’t supposed to be filled in are solid and the whole thing is just a mess.
Normally I wouldn’t even bother with .obj file format but there is a hair creation program by Bantam that I really want to use and it only outputs to .obj. Ok so I take the .obj file and convert it to .dxf using Crossroads converter. At least I thought this sounded like a good idea… I haven’t yet tried it with the actual hair program because I don’t want to buy the thing until I’m sure I’ll be able to use it. I have tried the process on other .obj models created with Bantam programs and some I downloaded from the internet.
Anyways, I am running Blender 2.27 on Windows XP in case anyone needed to know.
Any help in this matter would be appreciated
can you try vrml? (though I don’t know if crossroads exports the same version blender imports)
or can you try importing obj from 2.23?
You know how to do the obj import in Blender?
Try to search for script… It can be found on the forums…
Like z3r0 d said, it only works on Blender 2.23…
You will also need a full python installation and to configure your pythonpath.
All the tips and help needed to do this can be found at these forums…
Oh! And I have a sugestion…
Ever try to make the minimum number of conversions… Every type of file conversion have their own limitations and get their specific problems. Convert directly of one file type to other will probably be more secure than convert to other files formats before… [!]
Here ya go, really good script with a GUI too!
Did you do a RemDoubles after you imported the dxf??
Thanks for the advice everyone, and thanks to Ingiebee for the script. I will give it a shot. Is that the one that only works with 2.23? Ah well, I will figure this thing out if it kills both me and my husband LOL
Oh, and yes I did try to both Rem Doubles and Swap normals both to no avail.
I also went and downloaded Wings 3d. I think you can actually alter .obj in there so I am going to give that a try.
Thanks again guys! I’ll let you know if I get it working
I modified the script to work somewhat with 2.28. Let me know how well it works for you. I was able to get most objects out of wings and into blender pretty easily with it:
I tried to click on the link that mikejedw posted and I got an internal server error; Could you fix the link? I would like to try that script.
Sorry 'bout that…that server thinks it wants to execute it, but it don’t got Blender, so it don’t know how. You can right-click on the link and download it that way. Let me know how it works, both as a download and as a script.
Also, anyone know if the author has this script GPLed? It doesn’t say so specifically, though I’m ASSUMING he won’t mind us little monkeys updating it for him.
I got an error message saying that Internet explorer was not able to open this site even with right - clicking and pressing save target as. I will try again later when I get home or tomorrow; gotta leave work now.
Okay, now it’s tarred and gzipped so the server won’t muck it up by trying to execute it:
So this is kind of funny; after all of that I can’t open the zip. I’m using the newest version of winzip8.1 and I am getting an error message:
Error reading header after processing 0 entries.
What zip utility are you using?
Tried the script with blender 2.28 importing an obj from wings3d with texture map. Worked like a charm
Thanks for the conversion!!
Oof, sorry, BrianT, you’re not getting much help from me today! The file was compressed with gzip and tar on Linux. I’m pretty sure there are Windows extraction tools for that (it’s a handy thing to have at any rate). If anybody knows of one, let the poor guy know.
Ah, to hell with it, I just zipped in zip format, too. Just change “.tar.gz” to “.zip” in the URL. The tarball is still available, of course, for Linux peeps. Mac users should not expect to see a StuffIt version, though
Thanks, the script helped alot! But can anyone tell me how to import the object with the texture map? I think I read somewhere that there is a button inside blender you have to press to get a texture map loaded with a model to show up but I can’t remember what it is or where I saw it written.
Thanks again
Thanks for the script. I’m using it to import from UVmapper and it opens the mesh fine. When I try to export a mesh it creates the obj file but it is tiny at 1 kb and nothing is in it. The original is about 67kb. I did have the mesh selected. I also tried it again -this time I took the obj that I had success in importing into blender and I tried to export it and it too didn’t work. Any thoughts? I am really looking forward to this script because UVmapper is a pretty good program. Thanks,
I’m also getting this error message when I try to export obj from the Blender command prompt screen.
Using a clean Global Dictionary.
Run Python script “” …
Writing name…
In Object_GetSelected()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 158, in EventGUI
File “”, line 303, in ExportFunctionOK
File “”, line 707, in ObjExport
AttributeError: has_uvco
Their is also a part of the script under the section titled
Setup our runtime constants
That instructs me to change a couple of variables to 2 from 1 for MESHVERSION and FILEVERSION. I tried this as well and still got the same error message.
Can anyone help?
Okay, I hadn’t really used the script for exports yet (Blender is usually my final destination…is UVmapper available for Linux?). Anyway, I fixed at least all the really apparent errors there. I’m able to export and then re-import, more or less. Give the new script a whirl and let me know what happens. Be sure to include error output, if there is any.
Wow! That works great! Thanks for fixing the script. Export and import both work and I can open the obj format directly in uvmapper, create my uvmap, save in obj format, and reimport to blender. I don’t think uvmapper is available on Linux; I’m using the free version and I think it is only on Windows and Mac. Thanks again, based on previous searches through the forum I know this is going to intrest a lot of people!
Ok I’m not sure if this is to do with the script or the program I’m importing from (Bantam 3d Hair) but when I import there is no mesh, just vertices and they are only visible in edit mode. Anyone got any ideas?