Cool lighting isn't it


Last night I was experimenting with lighting within yafray and I achieved this result

Then I decided to use this lighting in a complex scene. Well not really jeje n.n and I got this. I can’t make complex scenes because my PC is old. I hope you like them n.n

What’s the cool effect? I think I’m missing something here.

same. the chairs and tables have 2 shadows as well

These scenes look like something ahievable with BI…

easily… BI is better than u think, check what i did:

Even so, yafaray is better than BI. Everybody noticed this. But all this process is so buggy… and boring, this paving texture looks terribly wrong BTW.

Ok =( looks like you didn’t like them and also you felt offended by the title I thought they were cool jeje well mmm, I can’t change the title sorry. Thanks anyway I think so =/

Boogie, you actually can change the title of a thread. Just go to edit the first post, and the title is located right above the text box.

and yes I agree that the title is a bit misleading, I was expecting something much more abstract or bizarre, but the renders are very nice outside of the minor expectation fault. A bit more dedication/love on the second scene and you could get a really cool project going with it.

You should tweak the GI settings, the lighting on part of the building under the awning is somewhat darker than it should.

With a bit of tweaking and some cranking up of samples and settings this should improve.