I dunno how many of you guys know about this but i found it useful. When you translate, scale, or rotate instead of using the middle mouse button to constrain the operation you can press the x, y, and z keys.
That was in the official release notes…
No need to apologize, in fact you no doubt enlightened a number of people who never read the release notes.
shame on them, they miss a lot of new stuff only by not knowing that it’s available.
hey, I’m just a lazy teenager who’s doing this for fun… btw: where are the release notes? is that the “change log”?
omg… i knew that before, but without those constraints…
Yes, the changelog and usually the changes are also in a text file that comes with the new version.
I discover more and more features using the program. This function by zooming out so i could see if my cube was poperly sized