Copy all shapekeys as drivers for other objcets shapekeys (arkit)

I have a project where the head is all different objects, each with the 52 arkit shapes. Another Blenderer has created drivers for all the shapekeys on all the seperate objects so that one object’s shape keys drive all of the others.
so for example if I have an action with facial arkit mocap recorded… That action would only need to be applied to one object rather than all of the objects. Instead of adding an action strip to the head, teeth, tongue, eyeball, etc, The action could be applied to one object that would drive all of the other objects shapekeys.
I know I could manually copy all the shapekeys as drivers but there must ba script or addon or something the previuos person used.
Any help is much appreciated!

shapekeymanager pro on blendermarket solves this