After hitting s then x or y, then if the model flips the way you want, then just hit return and it won’t be scaled, just flipped in a mirrored position. It sometimes helps to use the cursor as the point of scaling, in which case put the cursor in an appropriate place first.
Hope this helps, if not do a search for appropriate tutorials.
yes, it works thank you!
i tried it with a plane, and of cause i couldn’t see the effect, because it was symetric %|
still i have a question: the new part appears black. when i go to the texture setting it has the same as the old part. the vertex orientation is also
showing to the outside.
If you mirrored in draw mode, switching DoubleSided helps.
After joinig the two parts recalculate normals outside [alt]+[N] in edit mode (all vertices selected).
This won’t always cure the problem. The issue is that OpenGL on which Blender’s preview windows are based doesn’t like inverted matrices… which is what you get when you “flip” a mesh.
Bischofftep: Actually, turning double sided off does solve the problem of the viewport, but it makes the inside of the object appear black (assuming the mesh isn’t closed).
If I remember correctly, shaded view (AKA potato mode) looks ok though, even with double sided turned on.
entering edit mode before duplication solved the problem in my case.
so work can go on
i will post results, but i will have to ask certainly some questions on this forum before it’s worth to be shown to public.