Copy animation to other objects


I have an animated square

and I want to copy the animation to the other squares in the scene but for them to remain in the same Y position.

I have tried the Ctrl - L make animation link but it just copies the grey squares to the exact position of the green one.

Any ideas please?


Add a Child Of Constraint to the other squares:

They then copy what the first one does. :eyebrowlift:

Cheers, Clock.

Thanks but that isn’t really creating the desired effect:

It seems to be shrinking the child object and I also want to be able to offset the time so that the squares animated one after the other.


for that scale problem you need to apply scale on your objects, make sure it’s 1,1,1 (x,y,z).
If you want the animation offset you’ll want to duplicate the action (dopesheet->action editor mode), then take all the keys and move them like you want.

OK, so plan B it is then…

If you have keyframed the scales on the first object - you need to tell me this… Then you can simply;

Go to the Graph Editor, select all the Keyframes (A key once or twice) and copy the keyframes from this one.

Insert ONE keyframe for each square at Frame 1 for the same thing.

Paste the Copied keyframes from the first square then move them in X (key G X and a value in frames Return, e.g. G X 10 Return).

So I don’t keep guessing how you have animated this, post the blend file please…

Cheers, Clock.

Better still:

Set actions (Keyframes, etc.) on one square.

Copy the object.

Move the Actions for the copy in the NLA Editor.

Cheers, Clock.

Thanks for the help - managed to copy and paste the frames via the dope sheet/action editor.

Sorry for not being clearer.

Thanks again.

You’re welcome, pleased you solved it.

Cheers, Clock.