Copy Bone Weights in 2.5?

Does anyone know if Copy Bone Weights exists in 2.5. I need to copy the weight of a model to a closely related mesh as a starting point (i.e. clothes).

This might be a stupid question, but I have looked around and I am really stuck here. I also tried running the script from 2.49, but it crashes on print statements. When I comment the print statements out, it crashes some more. It is obviously not easily ported to 2.5, and I am too much of a noob to try it.

You have the Copy Vertex Group option, or you can do it manually, by selecting a vertex, going to the properties dialogue and in the Vertex Groups tab you can see the weight values for that vertex.

Thanks! It never occured to me to try that. I will play with it today and see what happens.

Can somebody explain me how to do in blender 2.5 the same thing that do the script “bone weight copy” in blender 2.49 that works fine for me.

