Copy . . . by "Object Property Chart" addon

Is it possible (for example) to copy all a modifiers by one task?

Blender has “Copy Modifier” under Search, that is not working or I don’t understand how it works . . .
. . . so Liero recomend me to use this excelent “Object Property Chart” addon (when I was asking him to copy Curve Geometry). This Addon can copy everything (if you now how to ask :slight_smile: )

I wrote “data.modifier_add_mirror” and some similar versions, but I’m not able to find a right way to copy even one. Does anybody know?

Thanks for help

Quicker and simpler to use the Copy Attributes addon in this case
Or you could use Ctrl+L / Modifiers (the same as the Object / Make Links / Modifers menu entry)

Ha, thanks a lot :slight_smile: Both works great.

(Ehm . . . and for does it good for is this “Copy Modifier” from Search result? It’s on a list before addon is enabled. Is it a copy function from the modifiers pallet -“Copy” button? or bug? or I just don’t know how to use it? Also for my knowledge where do I can find more info about “Object Property Chart” addon. I mean more than is on the wiki. Thanks.)

Also for my knowledge where do I can find more info about “Object Property Chart” addon
The video linked on the wiki should tell you everything that you need to know to use the addon.

that is what I did as first thing . . . zero succes

(from what I saw (and Liero wrote me) I was able to copy Curve Geometry, but from video I’m not able to understand how does the command should looks like, I tried almost 20 modifications of words as modifier, add, copy, data . . .ect, but nothing works)

As I wrote - addon “Copy Atributes” is the best way to do copy modifiers (or Ctrl+L - looks like worka in the same way), but blender has many other thinks to copy and there is no way to apply to all selected objects. So I would like to understand how I can work with “Object Property Chart” addon (don’t interupte you guys later :slight_smile: )

that addon is a way to hack Bender’s problem that you can not set some value for all selected objects, it will work on object properties or in its data properties but not with modifiers or materials as it is now… so use ctrl+L for those cases

to edit some object property write in the field: ‘data’ then a single space then your property name and set value for first one -the active- and press paste icon to affect all selected…
to get the property name use right click > ‘Copy Data Path’ on gui
for instance: ‘data lock_location’ or ‘data name’ or ‘data draw_type’

to edit some property in object data write ‘data data’ then a dot and then then property name
for instance: ‘data data.use_auto_smooth’ or ‘data data.show_normal_face’ or ‘data data.auto_smooth_angle’

the other way -the one I prefer- is to write some few lines of python when you need to do this kind of things, try opening a console shift+F4 and type ‘dir(bpy.context.object)’ to see some object properties or ‘dir(’ to see some data properties, or ‘dir(bpy.context.object.modifiers[0])’ to see properties for first modifier… then it’s up to you to write the code, see here for a fast intro on this…

thank you very much for help and your time