If I try doing this in the dope sheet action editor then my bone keyframe works correctly but the problem is that those keyframes attached to the object mode not to the pose mode. I tried using the F curve editor with ctrl c and ctrl v keyframes but then my bone is messed up. I done this like this guy: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/91208/copy-location-keyframe-of-an-object-to-a-specific-bone
Okay, I made a video about this for better understanding:
I don’t know what your issue is. What do want to happen? If you want the bone to mirror the world location of your cube, then you need to orient your local axis the same. You have Y bone axis up. And you have Z cube axis up I think since you didn’t put a blend in to look at. You can also put your view in local to see this. You Need to select your bone, go to pose mode. Insert a loc, rot, scale on your bone in pose mode on say 0 or -1 frame so you can delete it after you copy. Then copy your keyframes. Then you can delete the first one you set. If your talking about the location of your bone, turn on your bone axis and look at what you have or simply put it in local mode and align the cube and bone to the same axis.
I want the same result when I did it in the dope sheet editor. I have tried to change the bone axis to the same as the cube, it didn’t work.
Did you change it in edit mode on the bone? What was your process? Did you make an new action for your bone? How did you align your bone? When you show your bone axis is it in neutral state without transforms (alt G,R,and S)?
- I tried both in object mode and edit mode, neither of them worked.
- I copied the transform values from the cuve.
- No I didn’t, I just pasted the keyframes.
- What do you mean ?
- Well after if I set them as neutral state, the bone position will be messed up more.
It must be blender. Post your blend please.
First of all, your bone is in quaternians while your cube is in xyz rotation. So you can’t paste your rotation keys. No place to put them on your bone. Change your bone to the same rotation axis. Start your transforms neutral and then align your bone. For example go to frame 0. On the cube clear your transforms and set a keyframe on that action. LOC Rot if that is all you want. Select your bone. Your armature is OK with transforms. 0,0,1 loc, rot scale with rotation set to xyz euler.
Align your bone (go to edit mode) Turn on your axis display on the bone or go to normal view so your widget follows local axis of the bone. r -90 to align to the cube axis. Tab to pose mode and set a loc rot keyframe for your base. Select your cube. Delete the keyframe on frame 0. Don’t need it now. Move your frame marker to frame 1. Select all your keyframes in either dopesheet or graph and contol C for the copy. Select your bone it should be in pose mode. Paste your keyframes from either the graph editor or action editor control V. Delete the keyframe on your bone on frame 0. You now have copied your keyframes and F curves.
noprob.blend (533.2 KB)
Thank you for your help ! I will try it.