Copy Transforms and Limit Distance (For Transform enabled)


I am currently working on my first major project, for which I made an office chair. I have rigged most of it (although I probably brutally slaughtered all of the rules of rigging).

My problem is with the chair’s wheels, which are supposed to automatically turn in the opposite direction of the chair’s movement. (A complete reversal should happen with a bit of a delay, about 10 cm-s). I have partially solved this with empties for every wheel, and a copy Transforms constraint with 0.5 influence, and a Limit distance constraint set to 10 cm-s on them.

The problem is, that even though the “for transform” option is enabled on the limit distance constraint, the wheels only reverse when I move them past the 0 location.

Thanks for any help in advance, here is a copy of the file:

Hey, That “for transforms” is a bit misleading, basically if you have it ticked/checked it keeps the numbers in the transform panel (N key) from running on after you exceed your set amount. I had a go at your file, its the only quick way I could get it to work the way you want. Read the text file I included so you know how I did it, let me know if you have any questions.

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Thank you very, very much, this problem has been making me go insane.
My only question is, when animating, should I keyframe the custom properties?

Hey, not sure about that, I would say not but you will have to experiment

Okay, thanks for the help anyways