Copy vertex colours from radiosity into realtime egine?

Hi everyone. My question is can I copy the radiosity information (vertex colours) onto my realtime engine texture? Or do I have to shade everything by hand when I want to use the realtime engine.

First I rendered my whole scene with radiosity. I relpaced the meshes. Then I seperated a wall from the whole mesh, I put on a texture for the realtime egine. When I started the game there was a real odd effect.
The wall was completely mixed up. One part was still with texture the other one was not.

I hope everyone understands what I am askin’ for. English is not my mother tongue, therefore sorry for eventual mistakes.

Thank you in advance.

Vertex colours from radiosity should automaticly work in the game engine.

Try removing doubles before seperating your wall section (Edit mode -> Wkey -> Remove Doubles). There’s a chance only part of the wall was seperated, and that’s the only part that got a texture.

If that doesn’t work, maybe post the .blend file so people can see what’s going wrong.

you also have to texture AFTER doing the radiosity calculation