I have a problem with the blender GE where it seems as though using an animated armature within the GE that possesses any kind of contraint such as IK solvers or Floor contraints will cause blender to crash upon exiting the game.
For more info please read my first and last post on this thread: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=87977
So, right now I’m thinking that I need a python script that will allow me to make an armature that has the contraints on it that I want to be there to animate with. Then, with the script, I would want a second armature to be automatically generated whose bones will follow the exact positions of the first armature, even though this second armature has no contraints on it and hopefully also, no parenting of any kind.
There are a lot of scripts out there with ambiguous names and poor documentation. So I am asking here whether or not there is a scipt like that already in existence. If not, then I am asking whether or not this plan sounds feasible (this is my first blender script that I’m trying to write).
- Make a contrained armature(1) and rig and animate it
- Have the script take inventory of every bone in the armature(1).
- Have the script produce another uncontrained unparented armature(2) and generate bones at a 1:1 ratio, taking all names of said bones and modifing them with a prefix or suffix such as “NC” or “NO” which would stand for ‘Not Contrained’.
- Then follow the Local positions of the contrained armature(1)'s bones for a given Action.
- Then, somehow ( would it be through IPO?) frame by frame, tell the bones of uncontrained armature(2) that they should follow the exact paths of the contrainted armature(1).
- Then, save the duplicated Action to the uncontrained armature(2) also using either an “NC” or “NO” prefix or suffix.
This way, you can retain the quality of a contrained rig and then trasfer them to an uncontrained one which would
A) be lighter on the game engine and
B) NOT CRASH; (hell even the Crystal Space exporter crashes when I use a contrained rig)
Tell me if I’m off base here I asked for advice from Animation and Game forum and noone seems to know what I’m talking about.
I’m hoping Social or Ideasman or someone can help me here. So just tell me if this post doesn’t make sense, I will try to make it clearer if I need to.