Copying IK Rig Chains

I have attempted to copy various parts of one full ik rig. I took a leg and arm and copied it. Then I begin to use those copied parts to build another full ik rig for another character. After I adjusted the rig in edit mode, the rig snaps out of its edited position when its in object mode. What am I doing wrong? I thought that you could copy ik chains and use it to build rigs in new characters. Thanks for your help.

Make sure there’s no Action or NLA block linked to the armature. If there is, it will affect the position of the bones logically.


Thanks theeth. I will check for that. I just can’t see building rigs from scratch for my other characters.

Well it seems to me that the ik constraints have to be removed before I copy my IK rig. Otherwise the rig will shift position between the edit mode and object mode after I re-adjust the copy of the rig to fit it to the new character mesh.

"Stand by while I step into the darkness of the unknown world of 3d Character Animation. I have to light a match. Let me step back out and get a flashlight. That’s not gonna work, better try the searchlight. "

We need a list of all of the things that work and don’t work for Armature rig setup in Blender. A real long never ending list.

AS long as you readjust the IK Solver n edit mode to fit the new rest position, it works correctly.
