Hi there.
This is my first attempt at putting something together in blender and I am quite happy with the results. Please let me know what you think, crits and comments are always welcome.
Hi there.
This is my first attempt at putting something together in blender and I am quite happy with the results. Please let me know what you think, crits and comments are always welcome.
nice model
the helmet looks a tad small in comparison to the sheild, the particles have square ends and it all looks brand new (not dinged up)
other than that it’s great
Thanks, I’ve taken another stab at this after a few days at the in-laws. I think i’m doing pretty well for only having used blender a week. Please crit away guys. This is something I really wish to progress in.
For using particles you’d be better off avoiding ray-tracing. The AO is working fierce, bloody havoc on them, see how black they are?
Anyway, quick tip to improve the bristles. In the ‘strands’ pop-up in the ‘links and pipeline’ tab in the ‘materials’ button set, there are a few options. As well as ‘use tangent shading’ (leave on) there are hair start and hair end thicknesses, and a curve strength slider. You can use these to give your helmet bristles a nice taper, so they’re not all one solid width at the end.
Mega, that’s some handy tips. TBH, I only really knew how to make basic strands and had no idea that sub menu was there.