Just playing with a method of using the particle system to generate something with some uniformity. Corn seemed like a good thing to test it with.
I would have guessed the modified array system, but particle system? Pretty cool.
Nice render. That looks very convincing. It looks kind of like it repeats downwards but there’s enough differentiation to make me think it might just be my eyes looking for patterns. How did you go about the variations?
I used a hair system, set to use the corn kernel object instead of hair, then set it to grow from the verts, rather than faces. Then I just added a little randomness to the verts they were growing from to keep them from being too perfect.
Nice work. I used more or less the same method to place the buttons to a remesh (blocks) generated lego model.
Very good, the distribution of the corn is right and the finish result is perfect.
i was trying the same, corn whit particle system but havent same results, hehe
Are you going to do another one of your awesome tutorials on this?!
cool! I had always wanted to do this. You beat me
Nice concept
You have greatly distributed the corn and it makes this more attractive!
Greatly done:D
Are you going to do another one of your awesome tutorials on this?!
You’ll have to talk to Blender Cookie about that one, but I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea at all.
Very cool Joshua, could also have like 3 kernals slighty varied from each other in a group and select the random pick selection under the group options rather than one object to give more variance as well, but this is nice!