Cornaro [Updated 29-04]

I got the design of this villa from a book I bought about venetian villas.

Update 29-04:
added trees, fountainbase and flowerpots. also redid some housestuff (everything is bevelled now!)

Update 30-04:
changed the tree lineup after several people commented on height, structure, etc.

looks pretty cool to me so far 8)

That looks real nice Goofster! Can we see a side shot? Scale seems weird just looking at the front.


hmmm, I’ll post a sideshot later on (with grass :slight_smile: )
as long as I keep the camera away form the backside (or actually, the FRONTside) of the house everything is ok… :smiley:


Cool :slight_smile:

Can you post a reference picture too :wink:


reference?! REFERENCE?! WHO THE HELL NEEDS REFER…ehm…I mean…yeah sure here it is :slight_smile:

I got better photos in a book I bought, but this is the villa I (roughly) modelled it after.

woo! very cool CJmakerGoofGoof!

hehe, quite nice… lacks some nature around it, but hey! only one thing at a time…
Hum… I see a badly set bias for some spotlight for the bottom-right hand window :slight_smile:

asocial reply to my own thread to bump it up


ps. this doesn’t mean bumping is good, but in this case:

  1. I’m an administrator(main arguement there! :))
  2. I updated the picture

Nice update Goofster.

I prefer the type of tree that is in your reference image to the LScript generated ones, but that is just my pref.


yeah, me too actually, but have you tried to create that kind of tree with the l-system? JIKES! :smiley:


I think the plants and additions look pretty cool.
They make the building look a lot less … “lonely” and more like an atmosphere-ish thing goin on… nice work.

the pic is nice,
I like all the details

Logik_Guy :wink: