Correct Face Attribute for Geometry Node Transforms?

As you already know Correct Face Attribute is a setting that can be ticked while in edit mode and it makes it so that the current UV will sort of just stay the same and the result is the ability to easily make longer walls without needing to UV unwrap due to textures getting distorted. I want to know how to make this so in geometry nodes. So for example having a procedural wall made of a cube that is already unwrapped correctly and selecting one face with the set position node and moving it to make the cube longer sort of like you would do in edit mode. The UV distorts when I do this normally I want to know what operation is actually going on with the correct face attribute setting and if it is possible to make it work in this instance.

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Late reply but here is node group that does that


This correct UV dosnt work with instances unless realized is there any way to do this with instances?