Correct Nodes, No Transparency

I can’t seem to figure out the solution with this particular texture- I’m certain the nodes and alpha are correct, but the image remains the same, regardless.


I’m sure the solution is simple, but since I’m still learning, I make oblivious mistakes.

Does the image actually have an alpha?

Try disconnecting the “Fac” input on the Mix Shader, and entering your own value; does the transparency of the material change as expected?

Your image doesn’t have alpha/tranparency. All these greyish area must be transparent.


Or you’ll need a black&white texture of the same image. And you’ll connect that to the factor.

I used a black and white gradient map and 1px gaussian blur filter to quickly slap together a mask you can use. It looks ok, so this might save you some time:

Zanzio, are you my blender guardian angel, lol? Thank you. <3