
Hey all,

Who has seen the old PBS serise Cosmos by Carl Sagan? As a space and cosmology nut I had read a lot of things online by Carl (as well as many others), but never had the chance to see this series.

But, i found the first nine episodes (is 13 in total) at, and I figured I would tell other fans of this stuff, or fans who have seen it before and would like to again.

Just go to:

I recomend downloading the google video player so you can save copies for later viewing.

Great stuff!!! :slight_smile:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

sweetness, thanks!

I used to see it when it was on tv…don’t remember which year(s) it was/were…many years back I guess %| …I loved the series :slight_smile:

The series has been running on American cable on the Science Channel pretty much continuously for months. Info here:

Hey all,

Just wanted to let you know that the 10th video is up on google now, I reckon they will have the entire 13 episode series there soon.

Thats great that the are re-airing them, hope you guys are recording. For those who arn’t, or are from another country, i really do recomend downloading them.

If you’ve never heard of Carl Sagan, or these videos, i highly recomend them. Great documentary series that holds up today even tho it was made in 1980, even before a lot of the blenderheads here were born!!! :slight_smile:


Blend on, and blend well!!!