I know, it doesn’t fit the theme perfectly, but the image popped up in my head at when the theme was announced and I couldn’t think of anything else from then on…
Everything in this image was done from scratch. Modeling in Blender 2.41. Rendering Blender internal. No PostPro.
That brings back memories!!!
Do you remember when all us little kids had fleas and our mums took our teddy bears away to wash them… And then they came out all thin and wrinkly, wet and less soft :’( That was so SAAAAAAD
Well enough crying!
For a 24 h contest that is very impressive! What did you place?
@redbyte: What you don’t like about the reflections? They look perfect to me… The teddy (which is actually supposed to be a rabbit… ) is only made from particles. Because of the time constraints, I didn’t have time to make the strands less thick and increase the number of strands.
@Carbon: Shadows are not that good because I used area lights with 2 samples. Again due to time constraints…
@blendercreator: The voting is not over, yet. However, I am only in second place at the moment…
EDIT: deleted
@Everybody: I know, that this is the opposite of cosy. That’s why I chose that scene. The title of the image is therefore (loosely translated) “(un)cosy”, meaniong something like uncomfortable.
That’s why I placed the rabbit in such an uncomfortable position and next to a washing machine. Just like blendercreator mentioned.
I am now working on an improved version, that gets rid of all the flaws of that image, because I really like the scene and it’s my first finished scene I have done in blender. I started using blender in January this year…
I’m waiting to see the second image so i wont give so much crits on this one, anyway i like the wall, how did you made it?(displacement map?, UV texture?)
As the wall is just a plane, I just used a texture and mapped it flat to the col , nor and spec channels. Took me 1 minute. However the tweaking of the impact to the nor and spec channels takes quite a few test-renders…
No, I didn’t like the wall most, but i’ve always had trouble with making walls and similar surfaces look photorealistic with the textures defforming the normals (for example elephatn skin) without using an UV texture from a wall/elephant skin…
The whole picture is good (if you take the time constraint in mind) and i simply didn’t had any smart comment, that’s all.
It’s supposed to be water. It’s only that dark, when I enable shadows in the area light. Have still to figure that one out, because the water neither casts nor receives shadows…
Why do you think the rabbit suffered? It’s supposed to look sad and roughed up a little.
The texturing on the wall and floor are nice. However, the reflections on the round bit of the washing machine was confusing. Anyways, the second version was definitely an improvement on the first.
yeah, the second image is definately an improvement.
There is nothing wrong with the reflections not in the first nor the second image.
Though that tiny spot below the opening that is probably a drop of water looks kinda weird… It shouldn’t be so reflective in my opinion. Just some spec and an IOR, and maybe tweaked mirror, with a high fresnel…