Hi blender forum,
I am designing a bridge as an asset for a game. It is a major prop for my level, it is also very large 1720 units but it is low polygonal which is very important to me. Overall these X types of truss parts are causing me trouble in UV unwrapping. Would it be possible with someone with more experience to help me at least get on the right road to UV unwrapping these additional truss supports.
This is where I am so far.
My blender file attached only has the X type trusses. as the other trusses have already been UV unwrapped. It could be I have manifold edges, I am not sure though for some reason Unwrapping is very slow.
I would think project from view would be helpful, I need to create the texture for it, so UV unwrapping has to fit more or less on 1 or 2 UV sheets at 1024x1024. I was going to go with 1 UV sheet for the normal parts and 1 UV sheet for the broken bridge parts. I am not sure. I would prefere if I could get most of it as 1 island but perhaps the actual shape is making it not possible. That is why I need someone who has more experience to help me UV unwrap these parts who understands where I have gone wrong and maybe explain to me what I have done correct/wrong with seams and the construction of the mesh so as to improve with feedback. This is a prop for a game,source type game prop, I need the UV wrapping to be economical and make sense. I am just finding it difficult.
please help thank you for looking.