Could someone help with my animation problem?

I can’t show the file because I’m a new user but whenever I animate the blender free model snow the hand bugs out and rotates in weird directions between keyframes. Could anyone help?

No idea what that model is but it sounds like an IK dependency cycle problem. If you open Blender from a terminal the terminal should show any dependency cycle errors.

I’m very new to blender and I’m not sure what that means. Could you explain what that means exactly and how I would go about fixing it?

Have you had similar problems with other models/rigs, or just this one?

I’ve had similar issues on another version of this model, but I’m very new to animation and haven’t used many other models.

It means that there is a bone with constraint in the rig that depends on something that in turn depends on the same bone in question.
Something like position of A depends on position of B that depends on position of A.

If it is a dependency cycle they are sometimes tricky to fix, they are a fault in the rig, the first thing you need to do is identify the constraint that is causing it. To get rid of it you would have to change the constraints.

Without seeing the file and rig there is no way to guess.

Thanks! would it just be easiest to find another rig?

It could have a simple solution but without seeing the file (or more info) we will not be able to guess. Where did you get this “blender free model snow”

Also some pics or video of the problem would be good.
If you are new to the forum you will need to spend a little time reading a few topics while logged in to be able to post images and links to videos.

It’s from which is why I’m assuming it’s something I’ve done. Do you know when I will be able to post files? Or could I get them to you in some other way? Thanks!

The file will be too big to post here, (you could post a link) but if the file is from then I think it is probably a good rig with no dependancy cycles, maybe you have done some strange keyframing.


heres a video which might show my issue better. Likely I just fucked up some keyframe. Thanks for the help!

ERRR… you can’t just link a file from your hard drive!

LOL im so sorry. How should I link that video? (I’m tech illiterate.)

You would have to upload it to youtube and post a youtube link, but to be able to post links on this Blender Artists forum you also need to get the basic user status so you will have to stick around and read some threads first. It should not take to long to get promoted.

okay Ill come back tommorow. For what it’s worth it seems like a rig issue because for some reason even when I apply mirroring one hand does one thing and the other hand does another. thanks for your help!

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Do you mean that the hand flickers, or that it rotates smoothly but at the wrong angle? If it’s the latter, it’s probably not a bug, but rather gimbal lock. Rotations in 3D software aren’t as easy as they seem at first glance and you can get wrong results if you rotate an object at certain angles. Here is an explanation.

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It’s probably gimbal lock. What you should do before any animation is decide what rotation order is best used (XYZ, YZX, ZYX, etc) with that particular controller, for that particular shot. Most don’t need touching, it’s really the controller with many degrees of freedom (such as hands) that are worth touching. That being said, sometimes there’s no one ideal rotation order. Your best bet is to run an euler filter on the rotation curves, in the graph editor, after having done some animation. This should help at least a bit. You can find the euler filter in the curves menu, iirc

This is likely the file they are talking about: