Couldn't load a game on win10


I tried running a blender game exe on a windows 10 system, but it failed to load. I also couldn’t load blender 3d, it was just taking too long to load.

Anyone ever had a problem like this?


is there a console error? perhaps you post a demo file?

Might your HDD be dying? Might want to back it up.

I tried again on the windows 10, now it loads fine. I found that to be odd. You can try the blender exe file for yourselves, the LIS demo at the bottom.

I was just recently, taking a look back at this older stuff I had made with one extra custom model I got from blendswap. On my windows 7 system the actual textures were gone, but on the XP system I have it is connected. I had to remember to keep the files packed in the blend so regardless of system there wouldn’t be a problem.

The laptop is a Dell inspirion 17r, it is from August 2013, so the drive has only had so much use, it was frequently used two years ago, daily. It isn’t my machine, but not frequently used now. Could windows 10 be patchy with blender, and all that. i did all my dev on windows xp at the time, over two years ago. So I don’t know anything about the system.