Couple random questions

Is the sequencer any good? and do you and would you use it?- or have you
and if you have, then could you post a link of your work using it, and explain what you did with the sequencer, such as “I used it to add in all sound” or “I used it for a cutscene” Because I have no Idea what it is, and I was wondering if any of you did anything with it

which file types support the alpha channel?

Should I begin to work on setting up an unnofficial contest? If you want details I’ll email them too you, just ask [email protected]

and private message me too, because my email is currently not working :frowning:

You may have already seen this, but I just started looking at the sequence editor myself, and I found this a good place to start.

hey thank you for the site thingy :slight_smile: but that still leaves two questions!

#2: TGA with alpha set to on. When you go to render window, (F10), set the Premul option to on and then select RGBA.

Press render and you will have alpha.

#3) Sure. Always interested in contests. Just what is it going to be?


My thoughts, or the basics of th-, well the point anyway… you have a certain amount of materials, and textures, and a limit of particle options, and all that other stuff… and then, you have only a certain amount of things like, wooden planks, steel bars, hydraulics, plumbing… and then you have certain tools to work with… for example, a sander to bevel your edges, a highpowered electric screw driver, to drill holes into your objects… then you have a limited amount of nails and screws to use… and then you have a welder torch… stuff like that, and then you work towards the purpose of building something, like a house, or a tank, or a mech, or a bridge… you cannot resize, you cannot do things like skewering, you cannot do anything unrealistic, as for that matter, the whole thing must be real… you have a certain amount of points to begin with too… and a shop… I will create everything for this project, and give credit for things like the textures and all to whomever I took em from… oh yeah, the shop… the shop will be where you spend your “points” to buy things like an air-conditioner or furniture, or more parts, more screws, more material… and I’d have everything layed out with pictures, and in the end, every model is examined to make sure they did not cheat with the wallpaper, or duplicate objects without using up their points… basically to see that they still came in underbudget… and then, if one becomes needy or greedy, then they can “trade” their “points” but everything must be presented at the finals…


My model is called: Evil
For the house contest
<picture of the model>

Starting Points- (1000)
Here are the items that I bought
28 screws---------(28)
Air conditioner—(500)
tin for airducts—(100)
hydraulic pump for moving couch (250)
hydraulic parts for moving couch (30)
Plasma couch w/ attached lava lamp (60)
Ski-lift in place of stairs (400)
decorative cookoo clock (20)
and you can sell stuff too

Sold Items:
Couch (20)
Stairs (200)
grandfather clock(250)
Marble Collection(8)

BgDM (+100)
David2 (-20)

Final total: 170 leftover points

Description: this is like… the coolest house ever… like check it out dude, it’s like by the beach ma-a-a-an! and like dude, there’s like this cooler thingy on the side, with a tripped out ski life going into the backyard, and like, back into the house man… like a merrigoround like Woah!
CHeck it out man, a moving couch- and that’s like, my house

and he forgot to put up any wallpaper whatsoever, and it isn’t painted, so the decorative design is blown off… and he put no effort into stylizing… the comfort level of his house sucks, there is no fridge, no bed, heck he only has a dirt floor! so I would give him a 2-3 out of 10…

just an idea, if anyone would be interested in the future- but if you are, let me know NOW! because I’m not going to even begin this project if no one is willing to participate in it! so it will take a while to set up, and helpers are recommended too

PNG is a wonderful 2d image format that supports alpha channels. It has far more compression than either TGA or TIF (nice small files) and for the life of me I can’t visually tell the difference between PNG and TGA - when PNGs are frequently 1/10th the size. I’ve been rendering out of Blender in PNG sequence format for import into Adobe After Effects and Avid Media Composer for months now, and it looks a lot better than Quicktime.


hmm, I’ll consider that- looks like you’re new here… so welcome to elysiun!