Course to get down the basics of character creation?

Does anyone know of any good online courses or tutorials that demonstrate how to model and animate a character, step-by-step? I’m fairly new to 3D animation, but a friend of mine has told me that if I really want to get into it, I should focus on one subject and stick with it until I master it. And the subject I want to master most is how to create characters like those I see in Pixar films and such. Any ideas?

You can start here… also check other videos on his channel…

If all you want to learn is character animation then seriously don’t bother with modeling your own characters. You are wasting time that you could be spending learning animation the are lots of good rigs out there. CGcookie, the blender cloud and several others have released free high quality rigs.

If you just starting out might I also add it’s not a good idea to start with character animation start with the humble bouncing ball, then maybe chain pendulums after you got that you move on to a ball with a tail, then a ball with legs then you can start moving into character animation.

Beorn Leonard has a bunch of tutorials on cgcookie the fundamentals of character animation I think it’s called which is one of the best introductions into animation for Blender.

Moved from “General Forums > Blender and CG Discussions” to “Support > Modeling” (however, if your primary interest is in animation, I can move this thread to that sub-forum. Just let me know)

I highly recommend this very complex course from modeling, rig creation, hair and cloth dynamics.