Craig's 2d painting in Blender

Cool :). I love the purple hair on the girl Craig. Nice work.

Thanks, my daughter has had almost every color available now :smiley:

Totally cheating, but who cares, right? I sculpted with like 3 pixel detail in dyntopo, used opengl render with the opengl lights to get a decent greyscale, and then used the GLSL for layer painting and and procedural texture brushes to stencil through from the colored image to the original render. Too fun actually, pretty cool for look dev before painting on a retopo later anyway.

So I left my wacom at my dad’s and needed to feel like I coudl paint so I made a few different opengl renders with matcaps and stenciled between with the masks in the compositor. Pretty neat effect with the shadow filter on the mask there.

and another with the same setup but some painting instead of just masking

Experimenting again with using curve objects converted to mesh and unwrapped from camera view to make painting selection masks. I need to automate the steps, but this does seem to work best for masking in the painting 3d view.

Craig I’m confused here. Is what you are showing in post #313 going to be a add-on eventually?

Yes, it is an addon that Spirou4D and Proxe have helped me with I have a few videos on my channel where I go over how I use it, but it is in development and getting some love from Spirou4D to make it not as error prone.

I have had some personal family problems, but when life hasn’t gotten in the way, I’ve been working on another tool that will be added to it to convert grease pencil into a painting mask. I got the impulse after making my curve to mask tool that is in two button steps, where the new one will be a single button.

I am jumping in the python fire to make things easier for myself and hopefully others as well.

It is amazing what you can create in Blender…so versatile app!!
Great works Craig!!

Thanks - I have a knack for finding a way not to leave blender for my projects, and puzzle solving is a stress reliever for me :smiley:

edit: I have been working on the gpencil to paint mask to speed up my painting in the 3d view on a 2d plane

I set up a video to show about it

So here is where Spirou4D and I are at in the middle of the addon development - BlenderPaint 2D Artist Panel and Artist Panel Popup combined with Texture Paint Plus from Crouch and Spirou4D - and I am very happy with where we are headed toward making the most of the 2d paint tools in the 3d view :wink:

Another project with the addons being used

pretty nice stuff. do you also paint non-digital stuff? would really like to see some oil/acrylic/watercolor-paintings too…

Awesome Craig! I love the 2D Kat painting - a beautiful piece of work.

Thanks, I’m going to record all the way to finish since I want to show how my workflow has changed with the new addons. I am working from my own reference, a photo I took of her in Colorado

I was working on experimenting with the Curve mask and procedural brush mask, and then stencil onto the original image. Fun stuff.

I continued the painting of Kat, building the base and masking to get a background started

I was looking at a few wish list items, and realized that there was a way to crop inside camera already, so I sahre it here in a short video


I added a button to the artist panel that polls for Border Crop and then pushing it turns it on. Still have to do the rest, but at least you don’t need to go open the properties panel to go turn it on or check if it is already on.

So I was wondering about symmetry, having seen in Krita that you can move the widgets for horizontal and vertical symmetry. I then realized you can tab to obj mode, place the cursor(still thinking if I can do it in tex paint from the clone tool and back to brush) and press ‘origin to cursor’ and in tex paint, symmetry works around the new pivot.

Also, I saw that the import images directory as brush addon was no longer supported just as I realized I might be able to use it, so I thought how it might work differently. I realized that the same way I used images to make an Alchemy-styled brush would work if I just step through the timeline with the arrow key. Only the image in the brush preview doesn’t update, but the brush does and it works pretty well.

a tutorial would be good for