Crane train-WIP

lot of detail that cant be seen, but render time is like 3 minutes if i go any higher!

C+C please,

its the back part of a train that has a crane on the front of it

Its looking very good so far, very nicely done, keep going, would like to see this finished!


little update

C+C :ba:

wow, I love this! Youve got a great attention to detail Daniel!

free_ality-thanks man :slight_smile:

here is some more details :eyebrowlift: lol

gona add the base later
ignore the wires for now, there just simple test pieces.

still lookin great!

thanks man, shame that this couldnt be used in the film :stuck_out_tongue:

would look nice in the background :ba:

hey guy’s

just a little update on the train crane, there are still loads of items to start on and the back plate is just a fill in for now. itll be 1000x more detailed when its fully complete :slight_smile:

so what do you think?

Lookin great. Again, amazing attention to detail

wow looking great so far

thanks guys, ill have some updates soon…

its only about 20% done :stuck_out_tongue:

You know what? I think it’s great. I think I only have one tiny problem which is that some of the curved surfaced look polygonal still, in spite of the smooth shading I can see some rough edges, which detracts from the general ‘holy-crap-awesome’ the rest of the model is possessed of.

hey blackboe, yea some of the items arent sub D yet, i need to add that :).

could you please point out some models/ edges that are detracting from the image please

Yeaah it looks great!! :yes: