
Do you guys know somtihing about crane?
You might know about the paper crane, but how about the real one?
If you don’t know about it see pic.

And how about my work??
If the image does’nt show up on your PC, try

Crane is rendered in Blender.the background is Terragen.
I used the Vartix Paint for the crane,beside useing the texture mapping.

I would be grad to hear some comments.

Broken link, no image shows up :frowning:
Please fix 8)

it shows up for me…

its okay. but it could be alot better, keep working. y did u use terragen? u can make the same thing in blender

nice nice but more light !!!

Please fix 8)

sorry. Please see

y did u use terragen? u can make the same thing in blender

Yes I used terragen since I have no skills to do that in blender. %|
Is the any good tuts?

Yeah I used only two lights for the crane.It is because I wanted to render faster.The more lights the more reality… so I have to work on that.Since the scine is little dark.May be dim lights.

Thanks for the comments :smiley:

if u IM me, i would be glad to help you. on AIM, i am imaheratic. hope to hear from you

I knew sleketor was an AOLer :slight_smile:

hey hey… didnt say AOL… i said INTANT MESSANGER.

it might be AOL’s, but i wont give in too there true evil…