Crankshaft Animation

I did a research and found things but most of them where not working or available :frowning:

Is there Tut available under 2.42 for crankshaft animation example

i’m trying to do one for a diesel engine 16 pistons in line

Tanks & Salutations

Theres an animation on this site of a diesel engine cycle, it might be usefull.

This thread can help:

i can see the page for the download but cannot select the file to download it ?
My question was more about how to do all the linkage and empties to make it work
a tut would be better or a good short video


I remember seeing a tutorial from the blender conference on mechanical modelling, it show how to model a piston and the use of armature to animate it.

Mechanical Modelling Workshop with Pim de Groot (NL)

Sotty but i’v never user this type of file Torrent

can it ibe decoded with Winzip ?


Heres the google video link>

Put ‘Bit Torrent’ into a google search and you’ll fined out all about it
In short BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file distribution protocol.

Are therre bit torrent for audio and another one for video ?
The one i saw was 90 MB for audio!

For the time being i cannot take to download that it is too big
My Hard disk is almost full so i got a be carefull till i get my new Hard-Disk installed

Here ( you have a blend with the basic animation.

I got this Flywheel file and it is beginning to give a good idea on how to do it !

But i did see a more complete drawing with 6 pistons in V with all the crankcase - piston rod - piston 2 rows of valves ect…
but i think this was a very old file may be more than 5 years old done probably with some of the very early version of Blender
But still i would like to find it - some of the elder of Blender may remember it or have a copy of this file somewhere !

Tanks & Salutations