Crappy Birds

This is my first big animation.
It is 2D.

I imported images as planes and animated them.
The sound editing was done in Windows Movie Maker.

It took me about an hour and a half to do this. Wasn’t too long I guess.

Tell me what you think.

Here is the animated GIF free to download

Well, it’s a start. Gotta start somewhere. :smiley:

Ohhhhhhhhkkaaaaayyy… The oddest thing about that video is that the actual game is going to be pulled off the web tomorrow.

This is very interesting 2D animation.

crappy video but funny idea ! lol

Thank you for your support.
I am sure that I will get better as I get more practice.

That was 100% coincidence.
I heard about that shortly after I had finished making the video.

Thank you.
I want to make a 3D animation shortly, but I felt like the 2D animation would be faster and easier.
I think it turned out quite good, considering that it was my first animation in Blender.

I am sorry that you didn’t like the video, but I’m glad that you enjoyed the idea.
Is there any specific reason that you didn’t like the video?
I do like to hear opinions, but I think that an opinion always goes better with a suggestion on how to improve.
Thank you for your honest opinion.

I hate it when people try to make you believe that everything you make is great just because you are a new user.
I like honesty so that I can learn and improve.:slight_smile:

Never really thought of making a 2d animation like that, but the outcome is pretty nice. I like how the bird doesn’t just go up and down vertically, like a beginner would maybe do it, but has some more dynamic to it. Also I wouldn’t say the video is crappy just because it’s in the graphical style of the actual game… Of course you could still improve it, especially by animating the bird a little bit more (e.g. the wings), but I guess that would be very tricky with the technique you used.

When doing video game animations you don’t necessarily have to stick to the animations used ingame, so I would try to take advantage of that, just look at some of the Minecraft animations out there.

But yeah, that’s all pretty much optional, I’d just move on and attempt something more complex now.