Crash on Render

Hello everyone,

Win32 Error# (170): Die angeforderte Ressource wird bereits verwendet.
GPUTexture: texture create failedError : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
Address : 0x0000000140352D04
Module : E:\Blender-2.8\blender.exe

Blender from today: blender-2.80-8c77c36-win64-vc14 (Build from yesterday with and without vc14 crashes also)
Win 7 64 Bit
Newest Nvidia Driver: 398.11

No problems with Blender 2.8 (vc14) from 12.06.2018 - Hash 18cc880

Does anyone have a tip or a workaround for me

Many thanks in advance

Remember that 2.8 is very unstable at the moment.

If you are building yourself then either revert back a few commits or wait for the next few commits.

Hi Charlie,

many thanks for your answer.

I know that only too well.

Many greetings