Crazy Egg: Animated Shader (Vert+Frag) .blend

I am learning Shaderprogramming. It’s fun with Blender…as you can see here:

Download on the lower right. Edit: Download fixed.

I animated and blended two textures together on a sphere. The Verts are also animated, looks somewhat like an egg which does a salto. You can switch off the wireframe in the material panel to get a different effect.

Where do usually upload pictures? I would have liked to attach one. Hotlinking should also be possible.

very cool blend file, how are you learning to program shaders? because i’m interested in learning. is there a website your using or something?

Download link doesn’t work, just some weird stuff show’s up

Thanks spacestrudel. It worked before, now it doesn’t anymore for some strange reason. It’s transmitted as Ascii.
Crap. I will zip it and upload again. Please retry in 15 min.

Edit: I fixed it. You can download now.

@RagingChaos66: Thanks. Crucial information with tutorial and examples can be found here. Thats were i started.


yes it’s transmitted as ascii, but right click the link and hit “save link as” then you can download it normally