Crazy tincle shadow

I did a test animation whit the background of my WIP animation but happened that a shadow tinkle in a very strange way.

Here is the vid:

note that shadow in the back of the house whit mirroedglass wall.

Anyone can tell me what to do to solve the problem? I’m doing the light whit ambient occlusion and using a lamp in area mode casting only the shadows.

any help is welcome.

sorry, that video is so fast and such poor resolution i couldnt see a thing. maybe just use polorix, or post a single image.

It could be a lot of things.
First, disable ray-tracing and shadow all together in the renderpanel and re-render the scene, if the problem goes away, you know the problem has to do with the lighting setup.

if the problem still persist, check your object normals. use Ctrl+N to recalculate normals if you need to.

are you using and ‘spot lamp’ that casts traditional shadows? If so, disable them for now and see if the problems go away, shadowmaps are known to cause problems if you set them up correctly.

maybe post a blender file?


First of all, tanks on the well detailed explanations.

i checked a bunch of things like normals and etc but still unable to solve the problem whit out turning the shadow-only lamp off.

Wen rendering whit AO-only the problem simply cant exist because that shadows will not be there. But, wen using AO-only i fell that the scene become a little boring… so I’m searching for a way to make it work whit those kind of shadow. (i thought on making those shadows in the texture but that wold not help wen objects cross the shadow areas)

i made a simplified version of the .blend file that I’m using to make test on the problem (to optimize the time of rendering the tests i put out the other buildings whit exemption of one that cast a particularly problematic shadow. )

i uploaded this simplified .blend version so no one need to get lost on my disorganization:


i’ll take a look at the file once i get home

consider this a place holder :smiley:

Sorry for such a nobish question, but, what means CVS?

It’s the on line code repository for Blender. Well, CVS is actually a “versioning” system used by allot of projects, but in this context it means get the code from CVS and download it and compile it.

i notice that if i do same other type o light using yafray the shadow becomes ok BUT i cant use AO. is possible to, using nodes, mix two renders, one made with yafray and other made whit blender internal?

yafray doesn’t support the internal blender ‘AO’, but it can do a much more accurate version of AO known as ‘global illumination’ :smiley:

I am downloading your file now, it’s pretty massive. May i suggest that next time you upload something, please use the built-in ‘Compress File’ function to make the blender file smaller.

edit: nevermind, you did compress.

Ok, I am using blender 2.42a and the problem seems to be related to the area lamp. Disable ‘Only shadow’ seems to fix the problem a great deal.

If you still don’t want the light to lit up the scene, simply select ‘no diffuse’ and ‘no specular’ for the area light.

another problem is the AO (ambient occlusion) bias value. set it to 0 also helped reduce the black shadows.

Give the above two suggestions a try and see what you get. :smiley:
